Please find the following approximate ‘self-funding costs’ inclusive of hospital and consultant fees. Formal fixed quotes are sent on booking of procedures/operations. We have only included the most commonplace procedures. The costs vary according to where your procedure is undertaken; either at one of our dedicated private hospitals or as a private patient at Cheltenham General or Gloucester Royal Hospitals.
Dr Saha is both Bupa fee and AXA outpatient fee assured. Please note that interest free medical loans are available from the Nuffield Hospital and Spire Hospital.
Initial consultation £250
Follow up consultation £180
Remote consultation £150
Medical reports £100
Kardia/Apple watch ECG review £30
Insured Patients:
Initial consultation (telephone or face to face) : £140-£250 depending on insurer
Follow up consultation insured (telephone or face to face) : £90-£180 depending on insurer
Dr Saha will be happy to prepare insurance or travel documents for you based on his cardiology review of your health. The fee is £100.00.
The below prices will vary depending upon the location where the procedure is done (i.e. Cheltenham or London). Please contact Claire to get further details.
Test | Self-Pay Guide Price
Echocardiogram | £450-£550
ECG | £100-£120
24 hour blood pressure monitor | £250-£320
24 hour tape | £250-£300
48 hr tape | £300
7 day patch monitor | £450
14 day patch monitor | £500-£575
Treadmill test | £450
Bubble echo | £500
Any biometric data sent from an electronic device (ECG, heart monitor data) will be charged at £30.00 per item sent.
Procedure fees – Location dependent
Coronary angiogram | £3000-£3500 plus £472 consultant fee
Coronary angiogram plus pressure wire study | £3500-£4500 plus £572 consultant fee
Coronary angioplasty with up to 2 stents | £8000-£15000 plus £1500 consultant fee
Complex angioplasty £10500-£18000 | plus £2000 consultant fee
Insured prices will vary according to your provider
Please note amendments to the fees charged for the following services. Please note that if you have health insurance, your insurance company may not cover these fees in which case you will be liable to pay for these services directly.
Fit to fly/ travel note/ holiday insurance communication: £50
Review and reporting of any data not directly requested by Dr Saha (including but not limited to ECG’s/ scans/ smartwatch/fitbit/smart device data/ blood pressure data review/ blood tests result review): from £50
Private prescription issued outside of a clinic (including electronic prescriptions): £30
Responding to email queries for Dr Saha: minimum fee of £25. For longer emails responses, between £50-£100.